Singing Guide: Justin Bieber & benny blanco

Singing Guide: Justin Bieber & benny blanco

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco

If you're like many aspiring singers, you may wonder how to sing like Justin Bieber or benny blanco. Both artists have distinct styles and techniques that have helped them achieve global success. In this article, we'll examine what makes their voices unique and explore some practical ways in which you can learn to sing like them.

Understanding Vocal Technique

Before we dive into the practical exercises, it's essential to understand some basic techniques that make Justin Bieber and benny blanco's sound so striking.

Breathe from Your Diaphragm

One key element of any great singing voice is proper breathing. By breathing from your diaphragm, you can better control your air flow and produce a richer, more resonant tone. To practice, try doing routine diaphragmatic breathing exercises each day. Eventually, you should become comfortable with taking deep breaths before singing.

Chest Voice and Falsetto

Both Justin and benny use chest voice and falsetto to add depth and dimension to their singing. Chest voice refers to the normal register of a speaking voice, while falsetto is a singing technique that creates a lighter, higher tone.


Vibrato is a technique that makes your singing sound more dynamic and interesting. To cultivate vibrato, practice sustaining notes and introducing a slight oscillation or wavering in your pitch. Justin and benny both use this technique to great effect.

Singing Exercises

Once you understand these key techniques, it's time to start practicing. Here are some exercises that can help you learn to sing like Justin Bieber and benny blanco.

Vocal Warm-Ups

Before you sing, it's important to do some warm-up exercises to prevent strain and injury. Here's a fantastic warm-up exercise from Singing Carrots to get you started: Farinelli Breathing.

Chest Voice and Falsetto Training

Training your chest voice and falsetto can help you achieve the dynamic range that Justin Bieber and benny blanco are famous for. Here are two excellent Singing Carrots videos to help you improve: Chest Voice Explained and Mixed Voice.

Improving Breath Support

To sing like Justin and benny, you'll need excellent breath support. Here's Singing Carrots' excellent video on Breath Support.

Getting the Right Pitch

Pitch accuracy is another crucial element of great singing. Here's a handy pitch accuracy test from Singing Carrots to see where you stand: Pitch Accuracy Test.

Singing With Vibrato

As mentioned earlier, vibrato can give your singing a dynamic edge. Here are two Singing Carrots videos to help you learn how to use vibrato: Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.

Famous Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco Tracks

Here are a few standout songs from Justin Bieber and benny blanco that showcase their signature styles and techniques. You can easily look up lyrics to them using our Song-book and find songs that match your range and genre preference in our search page:

  • Justin Bieber - Holy, Peaches, Yummy, Intentions, Holy
  • benny blanco - Eastside, I Found You, Roses, Graduation


With practice and determination, you too can learn to sing like Justin Bieber and benny blanco. Incorporate these techniques and exercises into your daily routine and then, just like them, you'll have your unique sound that others might aspire to.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.